Small Community Flood Risk Reduction Program (SCFRRP)

​The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) created the Small Community Flood Risk Reduction Program (SCFRRP) as a result of the first Central Valley Flood Protection Plan (CVFPP) published in 2012. The SCFRRP is a local assistance program and its objective is to reduce flood risk for small communities protected by the State Plan of Flood Control (SPFC) facilities. In the CVFPP, small communities are defined as developed areas with a population between 200 and 10,000 residents. The program is funded over multiple phases. 

Below are documents regarding SCFRRP:

App D - Multi-benefit Memo March '22

App H - Sac County Nonstructural Measures TM

App I - H&H TM Small Communities  January 2022 3-24-22

App K - Sacramento County Legacy Full Presentation  with DCA & New Science- Jan 2022

Appendix E-1 - SCFRRP EAD Analysis Final with Attachment D Summary Tables

Appendix E-2 - CVFPP Levee Fragility Curves TM Addendum

Appendix G - DPC, DSC, and Delta Conservancy Master Comparison Matrix

Appendix J - Flood Insurance March 2022​