The Finance & Administration Division (Division) includes the Budget & Administration units, Finance & Accounting units, Information Technology unit, and the Safety unit.
The Division supports the day-to-day operation of the department. Services include: technology; financial management; assessments and permitting; utility billing and collections; facilities management and property; vehicle fleet and equipment services, contracts, bids, and purchasing. The Division is charged with maintaining financial records and controls; preparing the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, and other financial reports. Department-wide accounting and record-keeping in many areas include capital assets, debt service, contracting and accounts payable, personnel and payroll, and grant accounting support.
The Division is responsible for interfacing with independent external auditors, as well as compliance and internal control audits. The Division prepares the Schedule of Expenditures and Federal Awards, and the Annual Report of Financial Transactions to the State Controller’s Office.

The Division is committed to performing these functions with the utmost integrity, accuracy, and efficiency. It is the continued goal of the Division to maximize the performance and effectiveness of processes, operations, and fiscal oversight that support the operations of the department.