Your Water Quality Report contains important information about your drinking water. Information included in this report is required by law to be provided to every water user. Property owners, please share this information with your tenants. If you do not read English well, or cannot understand the report, please have it translated or speak with someone who understands it. For a translation in Spanish, customers may call Juan Perez at (916) 875-6916
Este informe contiene información muy importante sobre su agua potable. Tradúzcalo o hable con alguien que lo entienda bien. Para recibir esta información en español, llame a Juan Perez al (916) 875-6916
Download your 2018 Water Quality Chart
How to Read your Chart
- Locate your water system on the water quality chart.
- Identify constituents in the left-hand column.
- Compare the detection range to the state Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) or Public Health Goal (PHG), Action Level (AL), Notification Level (NL), and federal Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (MCLG) standards.
- Confirm your drinking water meets all federal and state drinking water health standards.
- Contact Aaron Wyley, Principal Engineering Technician, at (916) 875-5815
or Sarah Grant, Supervising Engineering Technician, at (916) 875-6881
, if you have any questions. Also see Legend and Water Quality Definitions
About the Testing and Reporting Data
A state-certified laboratory regularly tests your water for more than 100 contaminants! The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the State Water Resources Control Board (State Board) set the testing schedule. Tests may be done on a weekly, monthly or annual basis. Test results are then compared to state and federal standards to confirm your water meets all drinking water health standards. We are required to report all contaminants at levels above the detection limit. In the water quality chart, we have only included each contaminant exceeding the detection limit, and the MCL and PHG, AL, NL, or MCLG as set by the California EPA.