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Be Water Smart
: Developed by the Regional Water Authority, this website is an extensive repository of information on water conservation tips, drought news and landscape design resources.
Find a Rescape Qualified Landscaper
: This directory provides a list of landscapers who have been trained on sustainable, holistic approaches to the design and management of landscapes that include conserving water and soil, reducing waste, and preventing pollution
Recommended Plant Lists
: The WaterSmart Plants for the Sacramento Region list contains some of the most common very low, low, and moderate water-use plants found in the Sacramento region. Plants are listed in categories located in the right hand column. Select the desired category (i.e. Trees-Evergreen) and there is a column for the Plant Coverage Values. These individual lists are pdf. documents in spreadsheet form.
River-Friendly Landscaping
: River-friendly landscaping includes many gardening practices that are designed to create a healthy, beautiful yard while conserving water, reducing yard waste, and preventing pollution of our local rivers.
U.C. Davis Arboretum All-Stars
: 100 tough, reliable plants that are easy to grow, don't need a lot of water, have few problems with pests or diseases, and have outstanding qualities in the garden.
U.C. Davis Master Gardener Program
: Excellent resource for a one-on-one connection with a landscape advice expert.