Our operational hours are from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. If you would like to report flooding or a water related problem in your area, please call 3-1-1. Crews will be dispatched for emergencies outside our normal hours of operation.
Please note: Call 916-875-4311 if you are calling from outside the unincorporated area or from within a city or from a non-county landline phone. You can also go online to 311.SacCounty.net to submit a web form.
Service Requests
This will include:
Drainage issues
Illegal Dumping in Creeks
Plugged Storm Drains
Water Quality
Water Service
Report Water Waste
Call 3-1-1 (or 916-875-4311
outside unincorporated Sacramento County). You can also email sacco311@custhelp.com.
Elevation Certificates
If you are requesting information about Elevation Certificates you can email wrfloodinfo@saccounty.gov.
Sandbag Distribution Sites
Sandbag locations are scheduled to run from November 1 to May 1. Find an open sandbag location here.
For any other topics, please
e-mail us and one of our staff members will respond to you as soon as possible.
Department of Water Resources Main Office
827 7th Street, Suite 301 Sacramento CA 95814
916-874-6851![Call: 916-874-6851]()
Follow DWR on Twitter and Facebook.