In accordance with the National Flood Insurance Program regulation 65.7(b)(1), Sacramento County hereby gives notice to affected property owners of the intent to revise the flood hazard information along Elder Creek from upstream of Florin Road to upstream of Elk Grove-Florin Road; and Gerber Creek from the CCTC railroad to the confluence with Elder Creek. The LOMR will establish new Base Flood (100-year) Elevations. The LOMR will also revise the floodway for Elder Creek.
The revision is due to the constructed improvements that include widening and deepening the creek channels and creating an open space preserve along the creek corridors. The Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) will be revised to show the changes to the floodplain boundary, base flood (100-year) elevations, and floodway. The FIRM is used to determine flood insurance rates and help the community with floodplain management.
Lennar Homes of California, with the assistance from MacKay & Somps Civil Engineers, Inc., has applied for a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to revise the FIRM Map for the County of Sacramento, California. The LOMR will establish new Base Flood (100-year) Elevations. The LOMR will also revise the floodway for Elder Creek within these creek reaches. The establishment of new BFEs on Gerber Creek decrease the previously existing BFEs from between 0.0 feet to 3.3 feet; and BFEs on Elder Creek decrease the previously existing BFEs from between 0.0 feet to 2.0 feet.
Due to the large scale of the project, two (2) Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) applications will be submitted to FEMA to remap the floodplain. This is the first LOMR application to reflect the improvements along Elder and Gerber Creeks upstream of Elk Grove Florin Road. The second LOMR is anticipated in the Winter of 2019 and shall include Elder Creek improvements from upstream of Elk Grove-Florin Road to upstream of Millbrook Circle and the segment of Gerber Creek south of Gerber Road. The LOMRs will establish new Base Flood (100-year) Elevations.
Maps and detailed analysis of the proposed revision to the flood hazard information can be reviewed at the Sacramento County Department of Water Resources Office, Room 430, 827 7th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814. Interested persons may call Shayan Rehman at (916) 874-3768 or Windy Genov at (916) 874-3963 for additional information or to ask questions about the project or changes to the floodplain.
Elder/Gerber LOMR Phase I Floodplain and Floodway Exhibit (Downloadable PDF)