In prior years, the Water Agency delivered Consumer Confidence Reports for water quality to each of our customers. In an effort to be more environmentally responsible, we are no longer providing printed reports; instead, we are providing a detailed report on this website.
The Water Agency closely monitors the quality of your drinking water by testing for over 100 possible substances in our source water supply on a regular basis. Most of the constituents we test for are not detected--or detected in only trace amounts--in the water we deliver to you. All of our tests and behind-the-scenes efforts are aimed at one goal--making sure that your water consistently meets or exceeds all the standards for safe drinking water quality set by California and federal regulations.
What is a Consumer Confidence ("Water Quality") Report
The CCR for water quality is a summary of the results of tests conducted to detect contaminants in your drinking water. This report is released each year on July 1, to educates customers about the Sacramento County Water Agency’s water quality. The State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Drinking Water (State Board) and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) require all water agencies to provide this information each year.
Of the many tests conducted, only detected elements are listed in this report. The Consumer Confidence Report includes a comparison of the Water Agency’s water to the standards set by the California State Board and the United States EPA.
Your water meets or exceeds all state and federal standards.
Public Health Goals Report
Under the Safe Drinking Water Act of 1996, water utilities are required to prepare a report every three years for contaminants that exceed public health goals (PHGs).
For more information on health risks: The adverse health effects for each chemical with a PHG are summarized in a PHG technical support document. These documents are available on the OEHHA website. Also, technical fact sheets on most of the chemicals having federal MCLs can be found at U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Ground Water and Drinking Water website.