Phase 2A construction is expected to begin in the Spring of 2020. This project will abandon old distribution pipelines located in backyards, install approximately 3 miles of new distribution pipelines within street right-of-way, install 254 new service lines and meters, install new or replace 40 fire hydrants and 13 backflow preventer assemblies. This Project will provide several critical improvements to the Arden Service Area’s distribution system:
- Improved system reliability and additional fire-flow capacity: Larger water mains will help provide better system redundancy and additional water supplies to meet fire flow requirements. Fire hydrants will be added to the project area to meet Fire Code spacing requirements (every 500 feet for residential and every 300 feet for commercial areas.)
- Meet separation standards for drinking water mains: New water mains placed into the street-right-away will help SCWA meet the current separation requirements from sanitary sewer and drainage facilities.
- Lower operation and maintenance costs: The replacement of older and undersized water mains will reduce maintenance cost of day-to-day operations.
- Meet state deadline for water meter implementation: The installation of water meters will achieve system compliance with the state requirement that all water services have meters installed by 2025.
Project Schedule
- Board of Director's Approval - September 10, 2019
- Bid Date - October 17, 2019
- Contract Award - December 17, 2019
- Begin Phase 2A Construction - Late February, 2020
- End Phase 2A Construction - May 2021
Project Update
April 26, 2021*NEW
On Tuesday, April 27th Teichert will place slurry on the outside lanes of American River Drive between Watt Ave and Kadema Drive. Commuters will be directed towards the inside lanes while this work is being performed. On Wednesday, April 28th Teichert will place slurry on the inside lanes of American River Drive (also between Watt Ave and Kadema Dr.) Commuters will be directed to the outside lanes while this work is being performed. Please note, Teichert has posted barricades with the noted parking restrictions and road closures. All signs and detours are provided to help you ingress and egress through impacted streets, please plan accordingly. Final road striping is tentatively scheduled for May 4th – May 5th.
January 2021 Newsletter
Please read the January 2021 Project Newsletter.
November 20, 2020
We would like to provide an update for upcoming work through November 25th as well as the street restoration schedule. Water service cross overs are complete as of today! Please be sure to open your bathtub faucets and outside hoses to further flush out your plumbing and help alleviate glue odor or taste. These two items will dissipate with time and adequate flushing. Next week Teichert will be working on water main tie-ins. Street restorations originally planned for November 23rd-25th will now be occurring in December to help lessen impact the week of the Thanksgiving Holiday. Please look out for “No Parking” barricades and door tags posted by Teichert twenty-four (24) to forty-eight (48) hours prior to work along your street. Vehicle parking will be restricted and fully closed for portions of the day during street restoration.
Please use the tentative water main tie-in schedule to help you plan for water shutdowns:
- 11/23 - 11/25: Water Main tie-in for the new distribution system will occur at the following locations:
- Baldwin Way at Crocker Road
- Mills Road at Crocker Rd
- Mills Rd south of Huntington Rd
- Huntington Rd (west side of Mills Rd)
- Burbank at Crocker Rd;
*Expect detours/partial road closures for each of these tie-in locations.
- 11/21 – 11/23: Seal coat applications Saturday (11/21) for parking lots at the commercial properties along American River Drive. The three day schedule will allow for proper curing, parking lots will be closed through Monday 11/23. Please do not drive into or park in the stalls during this time to minimize disruption to the curing.
- 12/03 – 12/04: Street grind and overlay for Sierra Oaks Drive, Clemens Way, Ross Way, Larch Lane and Lawson Way
- 12/07 – Street grind and overlay for Baldwin Way, Huntington Road, Mills Road, Shields Court and Burbank Way
October 31,2020
We have a busy schedule planned for this weekend and into next week with construction activities for the Phase 2A Project. We would like to provide notification of street repairs and restoration starting tomorrow, October 31st through November 6th. Lowering iron (utility manholes) and base repairs need to be completed before final street restoration occurs. Please note vehicle parking will be restricted and fully closed for portions of the day. The contractor will post barricades twenty-four (24) to forty-eight (48) hours in advance with the noted parking restrictions or road closure; use the dates posted as your guideline. We apologize for the inconvenience this work will cause, please use the tentative schedule to help you plan your route accordingly:
- 10/31 – Lowering manholes and abandoning valves along American River Dr, Hathaway Ct, Callnon Ct, Mering Ct
- 11/1 – Lowering manholes on Watt Ave; Night Work
- 11/2 – Watt off-ramp will be closed for trench paving
- 11/2 – 11/3 Trench paving on American River Drive and Commercial Property (near Watt Ave off ramp)
- 11/4 - 11/5 – Base repairs along various residential streets (Hathaway Ct, Huntington Rd, Baldwin Way, Sierra Oaks, Clemens Way Bancroft Way) and American River Drive
- 11/9 - 11/10 - Street overlay for Callnon Ct, Hathaway Ct, Mering Ct, Ross Way, Clemens Way, Larch Lane, Lawson Way
October 16, 2020
The week of October 19th the contractor will be installing a fire hydrant and switching over the new service lines on individual properties to complete the service connection. Separate door hangers will be posted for each property to help plan time around this work. Please expect water to be shut off for at least four hours on the day of the service installation noted on the door tag.
The tentative schedule is a follows:
- American River Dr at the north commercial property (adjacent to Watt Ave off-ramp) - fire hydrant removed and replacement – Parking lot will have partial closure: 10/19
- Hathaway Court service connections: 10/20-10/21
- American River Dr. service connections: 10/22-10/24
October 9, 2020
Water shutdowns for the first area within the Phase 2A Project have already begun and will continue throughout next couple of weeks. Please be on the lookout for door hangers indicating water shut downs in your area to help plan your water needs during that time. This effort will bring online the new pipelines installed. Water shutdowns should not exceed four hours unless an emergency occurs, but please plan accordingly.
Additionally, starting Monday (10/12) the contractor will begin switching over the new service lines on individual properties to complete the service connection. Separate door hangers will be posted for each property to help plan time around this work. Please expect water to be shut off for at least four (4) hours on the day of the installation noted on the door tag. The tentative schedule for services connections is a follows:
- American River Drive at the north commercial property (adjacent to Watt Ave off-ramp) :10/12/20-10/14/20
- American River Drive at the south commercial property: 10/13/20
- American River Drive remaining residential properties to Callnon Court:10/14/20
- Callnon Court: 10/15/20
- Mering Court: 10/15/20
September 25, 2020
Teichert will begin flushing and disinfection activities for the new water mains within the Phase 2A project today. In order to ensure that new pipelines are properly flushed of debris and disinfected prior to connection to the existing system, the pipelines must be filled and the water discarded. During this process water will be flushed out of fire hydrants, into manholes, drain inlets or into open grass areas.
Please do not be alarmed, this step is necessary prior to connecting into the existing system. Through this process we will also be collecting water quality samples for testing to make sure that the system meets state standards for drinking water. Disinfection and flushing will occur over the next couple of weeks.
Once this process is complete, the Contractor will begin transitioning your service connection and fully connecting the meter assembly. You will be notified in advance of all planned water outages as part of this tie-in process.
May 29, 2020 Beginning next week, residents and commuters should expect partial road closures for the water main installation along Sierra Oaks Drive. Potholing for service line connections will also begin next week for American River Drive, Hathaway Court, Callnon Court, and Mering Court.
Please follow detour signs, lane and sidewalk closures and speed reduction signs. Residents and visitors are advised to follow no parking signs and avoid parking in the construction zone for the dates stated on the barricades. Removal of “no-parking” barricades in the intended work area, delays construction activities and prolongs the duration of construction.
If you live on a street where work is being performed, please wait until a flagger or inspector waves you to ingress or egress to your home or cross the street safely. Remember to stay clear of the equipment and construction activities to ensure safety for those not wearing proper personal protection equipment.
May 21, 2020
Due to Memorial Day Holiday, during the shortened week of May 26th through May 29th, residents and commuters should expect road closures for the water main installations along the off-ramp from Watt Avenue and onto American River Drive from 8:00AM - 4:30PM. Commercial properties along American River Drive will also have work continued through Wednesday, May 27th. Work on Mering Court is scheduled for Friday, May 29th.
Please follow detour signs, lane closures and reduction of speed signs. Residents and visitors are advised to follow no parking signs and avoid parking in the construction zone for the dates stated on the barricades. Removal of “no-parking” barricades in the intended work area, delays construction activities and prolongs the duration of construction.
If you live on a street where work is being performed, please wait until a flagger or inspector waves you to ingress or egress to your home safely. Remember to stay clear of street and sidewalk closures to ensure safety for those not wearing proper personal protection equipment.
May 8, 2020
Construction update: Last week, Teichert began night work on Watt Avenue as planned but, was forced to stop installation due to an existing sewer leak that began impacting our trench.
Night work on Watt Avenue will begin again from 8:00 P.M. – 6:00 A.M. this upcoming Sunday, May 10, 2020 and will continue through Friday morning, May 15, 2020. Expect noise, street detours, lane closures and speed reduction signs. Additionally, the week of May 11th through May 15th residents should expect road closures for the water main installation at the following locations: Hathaway Court (5/11), Callnon Court (5/11) Mering Court (5/12-5/13) and commercial properties along American River Drive near the Watt Avenue off and on-ramps (5/14-5/15).
Commuters should look out for no parking signs along these streets and follow detour signs for alternative routes. Residents are encourage to park outside of courts if they anticipate needing to drive in and out of their home during main line installation. As a reminder, water will not be shut-off during this portion of construction as the new pipe is not connected to the existing system. SCWA has also coordinated with waste management department to ensure garbage is picked-up earlier on the regularly scheduled day.
Tree trimming will also take place on Monday, May 11th, where conflicts exists within the trench area in the street.
As weather encourages more outside activities, residents and visitors located near the work zone are requested to stay clear of street and sidewalk closures to ensure safety for those not wearing proper personal protective equipment.
We appreciate your cooperation during this time and apologize for any inconvenience. As always, we encourage you to call or email the project team if you have any questions.
May 1, 2020
Installation of the new transmission main is underway! SCWA has installed about 1000 feet of pipe along American River Drive. Night work on Watt Avenue will begin this upcoming Sunday, May 3, 2020 and will continue through Friday morning, May 8, 2020 from 8:00 P.M. – 6:00 A.M. Expect noise, street detours, lane closures and speed reduction signs. We appreciate your cooperation during this time and apologize for any inconvenience. As always, we encourage you to call or email the project team if you have any questions.
March 31, 2020
Teichert will begin night-time pothole work on 4/1/2020. One lane on Watt Ave will be closed *8:00PM-6:00AM. Please note, potholing will continue on the off-ramp from Watt Avenue onto American River Drive during day-time hours. Expect road closures for the off-ramp 8:00AM-3:30PM. Potholing crews will continue day-time potholing along American River Drive and nearby cul-de-sacs, please follow signs and detours. Please keep crews safe, drive slow for the cone zone.
March 25, 2020
SCWA's project team hand delivered hard copies to all of the customers in the project area containing the emails addressing "Essential Infrastructure". Staking of water meters and fire hydrants is in place throughout the project. As a reminder, the SCWA Standard for water meter boxes prohibits the installation in sidewalks and areas subject to traffic areas.
March 20, 2020
Dear SCWA Customers,
Construction activities for "Essential Infrastructure", per Sacramento County Public Health Order signed on March 19, 2020, permits the continuation of construction of water projects provided that Social Distancing Requirements are in compliance to the extent possible. The SCWA team is currently teleworking; however, construction of Phase 2A Arden Service Area Pipe and Meter Installation Project will proceed as planned. In addition to Social Distancing, the contractor, Teichert Utilities (Teichert), will also be implementing hygiene measures (such as hand washing stations) for their crews.
Starting Monday March 23, 2020, Teichert crews will become more visible throughout the project area. Teichert and SCWA’s construction management team (all of whom have badges identifying that they are contracted with SCWA) will begin installing construction stakes for water meters and fire hydrants throughout the Phase 2A project boundary. Construction stakes for water meters should match the location on the site survey performed for your specific property. Please do not remove construction stakes. At this point, the only meter location changes considered are for those posing constructability conflicts. Please keep in mind that the sequence of construction still requires the water main installation first, this in turn means that there will be a lag of time in between the stakes posted and the meters installed. We ask that you monitor all children and pets inclined to move or remove the stakes. Part of placing the stakes now helps the contractor identify lateral connections from the new water main in the street, to the individual service lines and all fire hydrants included in the project. Fire hydrant stakes will have a flyer stapled to the stake for visual clarification. To be clear, no excavation on private properties should be occurring at this time, just the posting of the meter and fire hydrant stakes. The other major activity that will begin closer to April is potholing. This activity is critical for confirming the existing utility depths to help us make modifications to the water main alignment before installation. The contractor will create holes in the street, measure depths of utilities and cover the holes back up with hot-mix pavement. This is not the final state of the street. More updates will follow as we get things up and running.
We encourage you to call or email the project team if you have any questions.
Project Presentation Meeting
No meetings are scheduled at this time.
Project In Pictures
May 2020

What to Expect as Part of the Construction Phase
Meter Installation
Approximately 3-5 days before the water meter installation occurs, the contractor will hang a door tag on your doorknob (or fence) to identify the schedule for your installation. The installation for your property will typically take less than four hours to complete; however, it may prolong if any issues arise or if additional equipment and/or setup is required. Service connections requiring longer runs of pipe will require additional setups if a boring machine is used. During this time, you will experience an interruption of your water service. We will make every effort to minimize impacts to your residence or business; however, please plan accordingly the day of your installation.
Expect delays during daytime hours on residential and minor roads. Work performed on Watt Avenue will be night work to help minimize traffic impacts. Day work will be done for all other areas including, American River Drive. There will be traffic control measures implemented during construction including lane closures, reduction in travel speeds and short detours. Watch for signs and flaggers.
SCWA urges special attention for the ingress and egress of construction equipment in your area. There may be multiple
crews working throughout the project at any given time.
Tree Trimming
Where access is limited, tree trimming may be necessary in the roadway or the work area.
Expect an increase in noise during construction hours. No Project work is scheduled for weekends or holidays unless
emergency repairs are necessary. Construction hours for residential and minor streets will be between 7:30 a.m., and 5:00 p.m. Construction hours for night work will be between 8:00 p.m., and 6:00 a.m.
Road Restoration Work
Varying pavement conditions will exist throughout the construction period. Once water mains are installed, hot-mix asphalt will be placed on top of backfill and will be identified as “Temporary.” Full pavement restorations shall be completed per Sacramento County Department of Transportation (DOT) approval. Final paving to be completed per the project schedule.
Contact Information
Project Engineer: Helen Rocha
Phone: (916) 874-3070
Construction Manager: Ricardo Bedoy (ICM Group)
Lead Inspector: George Ackerman (ICM Group)
Service Line Inspector: Peter Reagan (D&A)
Contractor Project Manager: Brian Hansen (Teichert Utilities)