Sacramento County Water Agency - Arden Service Area Pipe and Meter Installation Project

Last Updated: 2/27/2025 12:13 PM


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In 2004, the State Legislature passed Assembly Bill 2572, requiring the installation of water meters by January 1, 2025, as a condition of water service from all water suppliers. To comply with this mandate, SCWA has initiated a multi-phased water meter installation program. The aged and undersized water mains located in the Arden Service Area (ASA) has facilitated pipe material failure and leaks, insufficient fire flows, and various issues for operations and maintenance. The Arden Service Area Pipe and Meter Installation Project (Project) will abandon old pipelines located in backyards, install approximately 38 miles of new distribution pipelines within the street right-of-way, install nearly 3000 new meters, and replace or install new fire hydrants.  Implementing this project will help:

  •  improve reliability
  •  meet current fire flow requirements
  • meet pipeline separation standards; and
  •  lower operation and maintenance costs.


Tentative Design and Construction Schedule*

SCWA has tentatively scheduled the Project for the following phases for the next seven years:

Project Area           

 Design Timeline               Construction  Timeline  

Phase 1A - Project Page

  2016 -2017   Completed

Phase 2A - Project Page​



​​​P​ha​​se 2BProject Page​​​



​Phase 3 - Project Page
near completion

Phase 1B ​- Project Page

In construction

​Phase 4, ​5, 6 - Project Page

in construction

  * Note: Timelines are approximate and are subject to change. Schedule updated as of 02/27/25

SCWA will be providing a Permit for Temporary Entry (PTE) to all customers affected in the project area, per phase. As requested, the PTE developed for the project is available below:

PTE for Arden Service Area Project _Sample

To comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the Sacramento County, Planning and Environmental Review Division prepared a Negative Declaration for the complete Arden Service Area Pipe and Meter Installation Project. The Negative Declaration was posted to the State Clearing House, Sacramento Metro Air Quality Management, Arden/Arcade Community Planning Advisory Council, San Juan Unified School District, Arden-Dimick Community Library and the Sacramento Bee.  The public review period was held between June 6, 2017 to July 6, 2017.  Given recent feedback from the community, SCWA will be providing an additional comment period (35 days) for the Arden Service Area residents who wish to review the documents and provide written comments. SCWA presented the CEQA documentation for approval at the December 12, 2017 Board Meeting.​ 

Project Contacts

Helen Rocha, Project Engineer, (916) 874-3070 ​