This Project will provide several critical improvements to the Arden Service Area’s distribution system:
Improved system reliability and additional fire-flow capacity: Larger water mains will help provide better system redundancy and additional water supplies to meet fire flow requirements. Fire hydrants will be added to the project area to meet Fire Code spacing requirements (every 500 feet for residential and every 300 feet for commercial areas.)
Meet separation standards for drinking water mains: New water mains placed into the street-right-away will help SCWA meet the current separation requirements from sanitary sewer and drainage facilities.
Lower operation and maintenance costs: The replacement of older and undersized water mains will reduce maintenance cost of day-to-day operations.
Meet state deadline for water meter implementation: The installation of water meters will achieve system compliance with the state requirement that all water services have meters installed by 2025.
Project Location
Project Updates
April 5, 2024**
Dear SCWA Customers,
Due to inclement weather, street restorations are post-poned until next week, Monday April 8th. Please note, with grinding operations already performed on some streets, there is uneven pavement and bumps throughout the project area. Please use extra caution to walk and drive on these streets until full restoration is complete. Next week, vehicle parking will be restricted and fully closed for portions of the day. The contractor will post barricades twenty-four (24) to forty-eight (48) hours in advance with the noted parking restrictions or road closure; use the dates posted as your guideline. Please adhere to no parking barricades to avoid towing. We apologize for the inconvenience this work will cause, please use the tentative schedule to help you plan your route accordingly:
- 4/8 – 4/9 Street Overlay in Phase B (Day Work) - San Ramon, La Goleta, Coronado, Santa Rita
- 4/8 - 4/15 Wedge grind Phase C, D and E - (Day Work)
- 4/10-4/11 – Street Overlay Phase A (Day Work) - El Encino, Casmalia, La Sierra
- 4/8-4/12 – Street Overlay Phase C (Day Work) - Los Molinos, El Chorro, El Sur, Los Coches
- 4/15 - 4/19 – Street Overlay Phase D and Phase E – Castec Drive, Puente Way, El Toro, La Sierra
- 4/22 - Grind/Overlay Phase F(Night Work) -Fair Oaks Blvd
March 29, 2024
Preparations for street paving (base repair work) begins next week on Tuesday. The tentative schedule is as follows:
- 4/2: Base repair in Phase A, B and C
- 4/3: Base repair in Phase D and E, street grind and overlay on Eastern Avenue from Fitch way to Puente Way, street grind on San Ramon Way, La Goleta Way, Coronado Boulevard, and Santa Rita Way
- 4/4: Street grind on La Sierra Drive from San Lucas Way to San Ysidro Way, Casmalia Way, and El Encino Way, and overlay on San Ramon Way, La Goleta Way, Santa Rita Way, and Coronado Boulevard
- 4/5: Street grind in Phase C, D, and E, and continue overlay on San Ramon Way, La Goleta Way, Santa Rita Way, and Coronado Boulevard
Street overlay work will follow soon after the base repair. Please look out for “No Parking" barricades during street restoration activities. Vehicle parking will be restricted, and streets may be fully closed for portions of the day during street restoration. Please follow any detours posted. If a street closure is planned for your street, we encourage you to plan your day ahead to minimize commuting delays. Roads will reopen once field crews remove cones and barricades and streets are deemed ready to drive on. Please follow no parking signs to avoid further construction delays.
If you have any questions, please contact the Project Hotline at 916-874-3070 or
November 6, 2023**
Dear SCWA Customer,
We apologize for any inconvenience the water shutdowns that occurred today may have caused. Valves were preliminarily shut to ensure sufficient water closure is confirmed for the new water main being tied into the system. The planned shutdowns for La Sierra Drive, San Ysidro, San Ramon and Los Molinos are still on schedule for tomorrow morning starting at 9:00 a.m. We appreciate your patience and cooperation.
July20, 2023
Night work for water main installation on Fair Oaks Boulevard from San Lucas Way to Eastern Avenue (Zone F) is scheduled from Sunday July 23, 2023 through the first week in August. Please exercise caution as lane closures and detours are set up to safely ingress and egress from neighboring streets. A separate crew will also be installing the new water services from the mainline to the point of connection for each property along Fair Oaks Blvd following the water main crew. Pipe testing, flushing and disinfection is continuing in Zone A and water service installations in Zone B. Expect noise, street detours, speed reduction and lane closure signs in Zone A, Zone B and Zone F at this time.
June 16, 2023
Teichert began water main installation along La Sierra in Area B (see map). Residents and commuters should continue to expect partial road closures in Area B for Coronado Blvd, Santa Rita Way, and La Goleta Way and San Ramon Way next week and few weeks thereafter. Water service crews are still working through Area A. Please follow detour signs, lane and sidewalk closures and speed reduction signs. No parking barricades will be posted to help residents, visitors and commuters avoid parking in the construction zones. If you live on or near a street where work is being performed, please wait until a flagger or inspector waves you to ingress or egress to your home or to cross the street safely. Remember to stay clear of the equipment and construction activities to ensure safety for those not wearing proper personal protection equipment.
June 1, 2023
Night work on Watt Avenue from San Lucas Way to El Encino Way will begin this upcoming Sunday, June 4, 2023 and is expected to continue through Friday morning, June 9, 2023 for mainline installation. Night work hours are from 9:00 P.M. – 6:00 A.M. Additionally, Teichert is continuing water service installation on Casmalia Wy and El Encino Wy. Expect noise, street detours, lane closures, “No Parking” signs and speed reduction signs in Zone A.
May 18, 2023
On Monday May 22nd Teichert is expected to start water service installation in Zone A (see attached map) on Casmalia Way, followed by La Sierra Drive, El Encino Way and Watt Avenue (the same sequence that the water main is currently being installed). Residents and commuters should continue to expect partial road closures along El Encino Way, Casmalia Way and La Sierra Drive.
Please follow detour signs, lane and sidewalk closures and speed reduction signs. “No Parking” barricades will be posted to help residents, visitors and commuters avoid parking in the construction zone. If you live on a street where work is scheduled, please wait until a flagger or inspector waves you to ingress or egress to your home or cross the street safely. If you require special accommodations please contact the project hotline (916) 874-3070. Remember to stay clear of the equipment and construction activities to ensure safety for those not wearing proper personal protection equipment.
May 8, 2023
On Tuesday, May 9th Teichert will begin water main installation in Area A (see map). Residents and commuters should expect partial road closures along El Encino Way, Casmalia Way and La Sierra Drive. Please follow detour signs, lane and sidewalk closures and speed reduction signs. No parking barricades will be posted to help residents, visitors and commuters avoid parking in the construction zones. If you live on or near a street where work is being performed, please wait until a flagger or inspector waves you to ingress or egress to your home or to cross the street safely. Remember to stay clear of the equipment and construction activities to ensure safety for those not wearing proper personal protection equipment.
Project Presentation
View the pre-construction presentation highlighting what will occur in this phase for customers.
Project Schedule
- Board of Director’s Approval – June 7, 2022
- Bid Date – July 21, 2022
- Contract Award – September 27, 2022
- Begin Phase 3 Construction – November 2022
- End Phase 3 Construction - October 2024 (tentative)
- Project Presentation - October 19, 2022 (Arden Park Community Center, Room A) 1000 La Sierra Drive
Contact Information
Project Engineer: Helen Rocha
Phone: (916) 874-3070![Call: (916) 874-3070]()