Sacramento County Water Agency - Water Efficiency

Last Updated: 8/7/2024 3:04 PM

While the Governor has removed the tight restriction, SCWA is now asking customers to continue being water efficient.​  ​SCWA is still continuing with current water schedule for lawns and landscape.  You can find the watering schedule below.

You can read the Governor's March 2023 Executive Order.​​

Local water providers are asking customers to consider taking the following actions:

  • Stress Your Lawn and Save Your Trees. Try reducing lawn watering times by two minutes, but remember to take steps to protect your trees. Lawn can handle less water and eventually recover while trees can be lost forever. You can find tips and videos for efficiently watering trees at or
  • Check soil moisture with a moisture meter before turning on sprinklers—saves 80 gallons of water per day.
  • Water plants early in the morning to reduce evaporation—saves 50 gallons of water each time you water.
  • Begin the transition to a beautiful low-water garden by removing half of your lawn this summer. You’ll be ready to add low-water native plants and drip irrigation this winter—saves 90 gallons of water per day per 1,000 square feet of lawn removed each time you water.
  • SCWA customers can contact us about rebates.

Information about how to implement these actions, additional water-saving tips and a continuously updated map with watering guidelines for each agency are available at

​Be Wise With Your Water

California is experiencing a worsening water supply after a couple of healthy water years.  The state is heading back into the early steps of drought.  SCWA has been warned by the State Water Resources Control Board to expect reductions to our water supply.  Faucet running waterSCWA remains committed to water efficiency, and we encourage customers to be resilient in protecting our water.   SCWA programs and conservation activities are intended to help realize conservation of approximately 20% over time. SCWA will continue to carryout existing efficiency activities and incentive programs (including turf rebates, water efficiency rebates and home water audits) that help customers identify​ ways to reduce water use and will encourage customers to support conservation with a voluntary 20% goal in mind.​

When Can You Water?

Watering Schedule

Ending In


(Trees, Shrubs)

​Permitted Irrigation Time of Day

(0, 2, 4, 6, 8)

​Wednesday, Friday, Sunday

​ ​All irrigation times are from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m.

(1, 3, 5, 7, 9)

​Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday

Recycled water users are exempt from this watering schedule


Prohibited Activities

The State Water Board has established that the following activities related to the use of potable water are permanently prohibited:

  • Excess irrigation runoff flowing onto adjacent property, paved surfaces, structures or non-irrigated areas. (Under existing SCWA Normal Stage this is “discouraged” rather than prohibited)
  • Using a hose that is not fitted with an automatic shut-off device when washing a motor vehicle.
  • Application of potable water to driveways and sidewalks.
  • Use of potable water in non-recirculating fountains or other decorative water features.
  • Serving drinking water other than upon request in eating or drinking establishments, restaurants, hotels, cafes, cafeterias, bars, or other public places where food or drink are served and/or purchased.
  • Application of potable water to outdoor landscapes during and within 48 hours after measurable rainfall. (Prior State emergency regulation, now permanent)
  • Irrigation with potable water of ornamental turf on public street medians. (Prior State emergency regulation, now permanent)
  • Irrigation with potable water outside of new homes and buildings (after June 1, 2015) in a manner inconsistent with regulations or other requirements established by the California Building Standards Commission and the Department of Housing and Community Development. (Prior State emergency regulation, now permanent)
  • Hotels and motel operators not providing guests the option to reuse towels and linens. (Prior State emergency regulation, now permanent)

Encouraged Activities

  • Install drought tolerant, low- water use, landscaping
  • Use high efficiency plumbing fixtures and appliances
  • Only wash full loads when running laundry​ and dish washing appliances
  • Use a bucket, rather than a hose, when washing a car​​