Maps (Zones)
Zone 11
Zone 40
Zone 50
SCWA Fee Plan and Engineers Report (Effective 8/16/04)
Water Agency Code
SCWA Title 2 Ch 2.81 (Zone 11N) Update Effective June 6, 2015 WAO-0089
SCWA Title 2 Ch 2.80 (Zone 11W) Update Effective June 6, 2015 WAO-0090
- Sacramento City/County Drainage Manual, Volume 2 - Hydrology Standards
- Improvement Standards
- Stormwater Quality Design Manual
- Note: The Sato method is no longer used to size stormwater quality control measures. For more information on selecting and sizing stormwater quality control measure refer to: Stormwater Quality Design Manual for the Sacramento and South Placer Regions
- The California Department of Water Resources developed the Urban Level of Flood Protection Criteria (Criteria) and a systematic approach to assist cities and counties to make findings related to affected land use decisions. The Criteria fulfill legislative requirements enacted by Senate Bill 5 in 2007 without interfering with local land use authority. They provide reasonable details and flexibility and promote prudent floodplain management in concert with other State laws and provisions related to smart growth strategies.